Our long-lasting workplace mats play a crucial role in helping prevent slip and trip accidents, and improving safety and comfort underfoot
We're dedicated to finding a matting solution for every need.
For over 50 years, we've been designing and manufacturing cutting-edge matting that helps keep people and surfaces safe.
Case study
Alberta’s Fort McMurray Airport needed a heavy-duty matting solution to trap walked-in snow, dirt, sand and mud from its high-traffic departures terminal entrance.
Family-run business spanning three generations
Over 50 years' experience
Proudly made in the UK and US
Dedicated team servicing 60 countries
Rolls and modules for easy installation
Flexible vinyl construction
ISO 9001:2015 certificated
Bespoke solutions for every need
Whether you’re looking for an easy way to introduce Plastex to a new customer or a step-by-step installation or cleaning guide, our videos have you covered.
Plastex is proud to be a family-run business that spans three generations. We work tirelessly with our clients and distributors to design custom solutions that solve safety, health, comfort and productivity problems across a huge range of industries. We pride ourselves on knowing our products inside out – we even make the machines that make them!